Thursday, August 1, 2013

5 Areas to change to gain confidence- by Mr.Fitbiz

Many people lack confidence when it comes to life situations.
Here’s somethings to consider changing when you want to gain self confidence.

1) Relationship with yourself- Start building a happy relationship with your self. Taking care of your body is the one of the best way, do things such as working out, grooming hair or dressing up.

2) Expectations/self image- Be positive about how you feel, even if you're not satisfied the with the way you look now. Things start to change quickly when you think positive about yourself.

3) Relationship with others- Be a positive roll model to others, live your life as an example.   

4) Ability to control your state- Have the mental power to change your thoughts and habits. This can eventually change your life.

5) Ability to induce confidence when it matters- Have faith in yourself and all your abilities. When you need confidence to do something, its already in you.

Overall, living a positive lifestyle in return you can gain confidence. 

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