Monday, August 5, 2013

10 Healthy Tips for Eating out- By Mr. Fitbiz


        In our every day busy lives it is hard to keep up with our meals, we are force to eat out sometimes to compensate. Now, the hardest task is to actually find healthy choices on the go. I have list of tips you should consider next time you eat out.

1)   Say no to fried foods
2)   No white breads choose whole wheat instead.
3)   Choose baked potatoes or mashed potatoes instead of French fries.
4)   Choose salads with low fat dressing.
5)   Stick to lean meats, no sausages or hot dogs.
6)   Say no to supersize meals.
7)   Stick to fruits, no sugar deserts.
8)   Water no sodas or juices.
9)   Don’t add salt or high sodium hot sauces to food.
10) Word to the wise!  Made to quick probably not good for you.

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