Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mr.Fitbiz Top 5 quotes of the week

Don't be duped by my physique, its only strong as my mind is. I always run into people that looks good but has nothing to talk about. Your mind will take you further in life than good looks; its proven. The body is just here for the ride.

To be loved, you have to express love of self. No one can love you more than yourself. 

If anybody works hard enough without stopping they deserve to be successful. I believe the key to being successful is consistency. You can't reach a certain level, And just stop. Life doesn't stop, why should you. 

t's ok to fail a million times. But, if you never try something once. Your life is a tragedy.

Like it or not, you are the result of pass habits. To create a better future you, change what you are doing now.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

3 reasons you should do Deadlifts? -By Mr.Fitbiz

 Deadlifts shares the King of all exercises with the squat. These are basic human movements. The Deadlift simply mimics lifting a box off the ground. This exercise causes your whole body to work simultaneously. The main movers in this exercise are the Hamstrings, Spinal Erectors, Quadriceps, and Abdominals. It takes a balanced effort of all these muscles to do the exercise correctly. Here’s three reason why you should do deadlifts.

1)   Corrects Posture- Deadlifts are great for developing back muscles (Spinal erectors), which promotes thoracis extention of the spine. A strong back prevents you from having a hunched back. Also, prevents back pain caused by weak Spinal erectors.

2)   Superlift- Deadlifts is the best exercise to build over all strength and muscle mass. If you’re looking to have a stronger body, deadlifts will be the exercise for you.

3)   Works core- Doing Deadlifts takes a lot of abdominal strength. It works your Abs more than sit ups. The Abs keeps you stable during this exercise. If your abs are weak you will tend to lean forward during this exercise. Keep doing deadlifts you will build a stronger core.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

8 Benefits of The Paleo Diet-By Mr. Fitbiz

What is the paleo diet? It's actually short for paleolithic, the diets that our ancestors-(cavemen) ate. It consist of Lean meats, Seafood, Fruits,Vegetables, Seeds and Nuts. One of the healthiest way of eating. Because, excess of wheat products we consume that contains gluten. Gluten is one of the fast ways to gain bad weight. Interferes with your absorption of nutrients, leaving you with a hunger feeling. Gluten will have a drug like effect telling your brain telling to eat more. To get that lean body and boost your health, try eating Paleo foods.

Health benefits:

1)More efficient workouts
2)Stable blood sugar
3)Burns off stored fat
4)Anti inflammatory
5)Reduce allergies
6)Clear skin, better teeth
7)Balanced energy thought out day
8)Improved sleep patterns

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Top 3 muscle building foods-By Mr. Fitbiz

The amount of protein you need to build muscle depends on your weight and existing muscle mass,but you generally need to add 10 to 14 grams of protein to your daily food intake to build 1 pound of muscle per week. 

Top protein choices:

1) Chicken breast- Without skin has more than 30 grams protein per 6 oz. Most bodybuilders choose chicken breast as top choice for protein intake. Low in fat chicken breast packs the most efficient punch to your muscle growth.

2)Tuna- Is low-calorie protein source known for high protein and omega-3 fatty acid. Tuna contains minerals such as Magnesium, Potassium and many B vitamins. It's cheap source of protein you can buy from grocery store. If your on the go, a can of tuna would be the best choice to pack on mass.

3)Brown rice- A gain with natural starches, contains 20-25g protein per cup. Another favor protein
choice with bodybuilders. Brown rice contain amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. It's a
no brainer to have brown rice, if your trying to build muscle.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Top 3 Butt Exercises for Women-By Mr. Fitbiz

 Women, now be honest! Who doesn't want a toned behind?  I can't imagine a single one of you saying you don't.  Here are a few exercises you can do anywhere ,without weights, to achieve the max out of your gluteus maximus.
  • Squats: The king, or queen, of exercises and basic strengthener of all human musculatory functions. Specifically, squats work all the gluteus musclesmaximus, medius, minimus.They are a simple exercise you can do at home, and quite honestly, a vital exercise if the end game is nice buns.  
  • Lunges: When done properly, lunges work both the hip muscles and gluteus maximus.  By increasing the length of your step out stride, you can increase the intensity of the workout.  Add lunges to the arsenal! 
  • Step-ups: It's alright to use stairs or a chair depending on your ability, but these are a great butt exercise.  Concentrate on one leg at a time, stepping up onto a raised surface, placing both feet, and then dropping one foot back down.  If stepping high enough, this exercise targets the glutes. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Realizing positivity-By Mr. Fitbiz

Realize how important your life is. And, can be if you apply yourself to something. Challenge yourself to be a better person. Make a conscious effort not to dwell on the pass. Live in the now. Understand how a positive outlook can change your life. Speak of positivity, then positivity shall appear. Speak of negativity, then negativity shall appear. Change yourself first, then watch people around you change too. Potential lies within you to do anything. Start thinking positive thoughts and positive results will come. This is the true power of positive thinking.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mr. Fitbiz 5 quotes of the week

Physical fitness is only a basic understanding of the body workings. As humans we struggle to understand anything outside of the physical, Limiting our perception to what is possible. To overcome physical feats look outside what you think is real.

The problem with most of society is most people don't believe in them selves, one thing that I had to overcome as well. Believe you are somebody with a purpose in life. I believe in my abilities everyday. It shouldn't be a surprise when you see me again and how I am living!

You don't become successful without the help of others. A person that is open to listen and understand people, can live a life of dreams

If you live in worries and fears now, you wont see tomorrow. If you take worries and fears. And trash them, you can live today to see further than tomorrow.

Believe in the power of your mind. And, nothing is out of reach.

Friday, August 9, 2013

3 Signs that you’re out of shape.-By Fitbiz

Are Americans out of shape because they are so busy?  People will give thousands of excuses why they might be out of shape. If you are, then these might be your tell tale signs.

1) Stomach:  If your stomach sticks out over your belt, whether you drink or not, you’re probably out of shape.  Too much abdominal fat is the first visible sign on your body to let you know you’re out of line! The correction is exercise.

2) Out of breath:  Breathing is essential for life. If you can't walk up one flight of stairs without running out of breath, your heart is weak.  Your heart is your life force here on earth.  The more you engage in cardiovascular conditioning, the better your lungs and heart function. If you tend to run short on air all the time, you need to hit the track.

3) Snoring:  It is a common thing people do when they sleep.  Butsnoring can be a sign of being out of shape. The cause of snoring is fatty tissue in the throat causing a restriction of the airway.  Exercise can reduce the fatty tissue in the throat, which can lessen or even stop snoring.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

10 tips on becoming the awesomest version of your self.-By Mr. Fitbiz

If you want to become a better person, you have to work on yourself first. Life can definitely have its up and downs. Bad things may pop up, but it could be worse. Believe that you can change for the better, its never too late! Here are some tips to becoming a better version of yourself.

1) Be positive! Disregard any negativity. 

2) Respect yourself first, and always take care of your body.

3) Be humble, and help others when they are in need.

4) Always keep your mind open to learn something new.

5) Challenge yourself to exceed your personal limits.

6) Always be a doer. Talking never gets people anywhere.

7) Think that nothing is impossible.     

8) Believe in yourself first, and others might believe in you too.

9) Think that you are someone with a purpose in life.