Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Do pulling exercises to avoid injuries

 People worry to much about how the body looks then how it functions. When it comes to exercise and human mobility there needs to be a balance. If you can't pull equally amount of weight you can push, than you're not mechanically strong. If you are struggling to execute an exercise, think about your opposing muscles and how they can effect your performance. Guys always seem to be able to push more weight away from them then they can pull in. women are almost opposite. Is it because the aggressive society we live in? We are always pushing away from other people. Or maybe its the love of having a big chest and biceps. Next time you hit the gym think about embracing your opposite muscles by doing more pulling exercises. It can decrease your chances of injury. For every pressing exercise do two pulling exercises.

EXAMPLE: Upper Body
PRESS: Bench press
PULL: Pull ups
            Cable row

EXAMPLE: Lower body
PRESS: Leg press
PULL: Leg curls
            Dead lifts

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